Geometric Ecosystems: GNArled mossy cloud forest


This series of paintings was created to bring awareness to critically endangered ecosystems around the world. Each unique in their biodiversity, these ecosystems are critical to an uncountable number of animals and the overall wellness of our planet. By looking at the specific materials and qualities of each ecosystem, simple geometries were derived and then used to depict a snapshot of the overall system combined. All nine paintings are gouache paint on 200 pound watercolor paper, 9 in by 9 in.

Gnarled Mossy Cloud Forest is a unique ecosystem, combining natural elements from Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. It is a very small area at the summits of two mountains on Lord Howe Island in the Pacific Ocean, off the east coast of Australia. Moisture from clouds is a key feature of the ecosystem. The ICUN Red List of Ecosystems considers the Gnarled Mossy Cloud forest to be CRITICALLY ENDANGERED due to a loss of moisture from declining rainfall and cloud cover resulting from climate change, an ongoing infestation of exotic rats that feed on seeds and seedlings of several sensitive plant species and because of the fact that the ecosystem is considered to exist at only one location.