Hi there! My name is Jane Clark.

I love patterns. I always have. I have drawn triangle grids in the margins of my notes for as long as I can remember. I also recall sitting on the floor in the hall bathroom of my parents’ house analyzing the tile repeat. I love looking for patterns in the everyday world and understanding how, like puzzles, they create solutions for complex spaces and materials.

I studied architecture, which was a natural progression for me: lover of art and geometry and good at math. My architectural background influences my methods and can be seen in my study of geometry. Not surprisingly then, my work is known for its bright use of color and strong geometry. I find inspiration in geometry and also in nature, and I enjoy finding the connections in between.

I was raised in a garden where I developed a deep connection to the land. I am concerned about the world we are leaving future generations. I worry especially for my daughter. I think protecting our planet is vital and urgent. I devote myself, however imperfectly, to leave the smallest possible footprint. My artwork and pattern design are connected to a need to protect the earth and raise awareness about the climate crisis. My desire is that my art and my name become synonymous with sustainability. It is my goal to partner exclusively with companies that have a strong sustainability mission and a proven record of environmental awareness. Doing so will amplify this message through our shared objectives.

I live and work in Ambler, Pennsylvania.