Geometric Ecosystems: aral sea


This series of paintings was created to bring awareness to critically endangered ecosystems around the world. Each unique in their biodiversity, these ecosystems are critical to an uncountable number of animals and the overall wellness of our planet. By looking at the specific materials and qualities of each ecosystem, simple geometries were derived and then used to depict a snapshot of the overall system combined. All nine paintings are gouache paint on 200 pound watercolor paper, 9 in by 9 in.

The Aral Sea was a lake between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. It was once one of the largest lakes in the world but had been shrinking since the 1960s. The Soviet Union diverted much of the rivers that fed it to irrigate cotton fields. By 1997, the lake had declined to 10% of its original size, leaving a vast desert and a few small hypersaline lakes. The ICUN Red List of Ecosystems classifies the Aral Sea as an irreversible, collapsed ecosystem.